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Newsletter Archive

RANDOM.ORG Newsletter #2
"More Drawings and Double iPod Giveaway"

11 May 2009


Dear Newsletter Subscriber,

Welcome to the second issue of the new RANDOM.ORG newsletter!  In case
you are no longer interested in randomness or RANDOM.ORG, you will
find an unsubscribe link at the end of this email.  If you would like
to learn more (and get the chance to win an iPod), read on.


Giveaway #1 Complete!

Last week's iPod giveaway was a great success.  The giveaway was open
to anyone who was a newsletter subscriber on 5 May 2009, and a total
of 96 people entered.  The prize drawing was held on 10 May 2009, and
the lucky winner was Guy from Nijlen in Belgium.  Nijlen is a small
town, not far from Antwerpen (known as Anvers to the French-speaking
Belgians), which is a rather pretty city in the northern part of

So, Congratulations, Guy!  A shiny new black 4 GB iPod Shuffle is on
its way to you.

As I mentioned in last week's newsletter, the giveaway was held using
RANDOM.ORG's Third-Party Draw Service.  This service uses true
randomness to pick winners in such a way that each entrant has exactly
the same chance of winning and that nobody can predict or influence
the outcome, even if they know the algorithms used to generate the
randomness.  The Third-Party Draw Service also creates a permanent
record of each drawing, such that you and your entrants can review it
later.  Here is the record for last week's iPod Giveaway:

The record will tell you what the drawing was for, when it was
completed, how many entrants and winners there were, etc.  Because
last week's iPod Giveaway was an entrant-accessible drawing, entrants
can also type in their email address, and RANDOM.ORG will tell them
whether or not they were entered and whether they won.  (People can do
this safely; RANDOM.ORG will not store these email addresses and
never, ever spam any entrant.)

As I discussed in last week's newsletter, random drawings are great
for promotional giveaways, for example in connection with your blog or
business.  However, you need to make sure your drawings are held in a
way that is fair and transparent to your entrants, and which at the
same time protects their privacy.  It is very easy to use RANDOM.ORG's
Third-Party Draw Service to do this.  If you missed it last week, here
is the newsletter that describes how:

There is also an 8m42s video guide that walks you through the process:

Each drawing costs a fee, which depends on the number of entrants.
The price starts at $4.95 USD for a drawing with up to 500 entrants.
For larger drawings, use the price calculator to see how much your
drawing will cost:


Double iPod Giveway This Week

As I promised last week, there will be another iPod giveaway this
week.  Because the first giveaway was such a success, I have decided
to give away two iPod Shuffles this week and two more next week, for a
total of five Shuffles this time around.  If you haven't seen it yet,
the new iPod Shuffle is the smallest, most stylish MP3 player you can
imagine.  Like the previous Shuffle, it is made from aluminium, but
the design is nicer, and as an interesting improvement, Apple has
equipped the new Shuffle with voice synthesis, such that it can speak
the name of your songs and playlists.  This makes it easier to
navigate your music library.

Since, as far as I know, no MP3 players (including the new Shuffle)
use true randomness to shuffle your songs, each of the Shuffles given
away by RANDOM.ORG will have a unique true random bit pattern engraved
on it.  To the best of my knowledge, this makes them the first iPods
in the world to contain any measure of true randomness! (I admit it
won't affect the playback order of your songs, though :-)

To enter this week's giveaway, simply click on this link:

The drawing for the two iPods will be held on Sunday, 17 May 2009.
The winners will be contacted by email, and a link to the record of
the drawing will appear here:

No purchase is necessary to enter into this drawing, and the iPods will
be shipped free of cost to the winners anywhere in the world.  (You may
have to pay import duty, if any.)


Future Giveaways

Only current subscribers to the RANDOM.ORG newsletter can enter this
week's giveaway.  If you have friends who are interested, tell them to
sign up for the newsletter, and they will be invited to participate in
future giveaways:


Yours randomly,
Dr. Mads Haahr <>  |  Lecturer in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science         |  Phone: +353 1 896 1540
Trinity College Dublin                 |  Web:

This newsletter is copyright 2009 by Mads Haahr
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