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2D Random Point Generator

This randomizer that lets you place points randomly within a 2D box/canvas and draw lines between them. The randomizer uses true randomness from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs.

x y
Point A Point B
  • The measurements for x and y are given relative to the bottom left corner of the box. For example, a point x=3.5″ and y=4.5″ would be 3.5 inches to the right and 4.5 inches up from the bottom left corner.
  • To draw a line, click or tap on the point and drag to another point.
  • This randomizer was made on request by (and with advice from) the NYC-based artist David Row whose primary aesthetic is based around a language of painterly fragmented geometric abstraction. Thank you, David!