
Testimonials tagged 2021:

Database Key Generation

In several things that I do, I require some form of randomness (for example, secure primary keys for databases, with almost no chance of collision error). To do this, I use your site to create them. A simple generation of numbers between 0 and 35, and then change them into their base-36 equivalent, however long the sequence needs to be, and you have an virtually unguessable primary key sequence. You can’t guess what the next key in the sequence will be. Very useful for keeping people from being able to hack your customer list and finding out who does business with you (they might be able to guess one, but the next won’t be sequential, so they would have to start all over again to find the next). I also use it in my writing, to generate datasets for locations and people by assigning integers to various items and using the site to pick the ones that apply.

—John Anderson

Adjudicating Arguments Between Kids

I find myself turning to the random.org android app most frequently to adjudicate arguments between my son and daughters over whose turn it is to do what and in what order.

Created a list with their three names, and whenever I hear ‘BUT IT'S MY TURN TO…’ [pick first / sit by the window in the car/ play with the toy du jour / etc.], I reach for my phone, randomize the list, and whoever's name comes on top gets preference. They've even come to me to ask me to randomize the list for them, before an argument really gets going.

—Jeffrey Harper

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