Randomly chosen testimonials:
In several things that I do, I require some form of randomness (for example, secure primary keys for databases, with almost no chance of collision error). To do this, I use your site to create them. A simple generation of numbers between 0 and 35, and then change them into their base-36 equivalent, however long the sequence needs to be, and you have an virtually unguessable primary key sequence. You can’t guess what the next key in the sequence will be. Very useful for keeping people from being able to hack your customer list and finding out who does business with you (they might be able to guess one, but the next won’t be sequential, so they would have to start all over again to find the next). I also use it in my writing, to generate datasets for locations and people by assigning integers to various items and using the site to pick the ones that apply.
—John Anderson
I have found the most fantastic use of your random number generator.
I use the first few lines of a 100 number sequence divided into five columns to predict future events in my life as far in the future as 6–8 months; for example, whether or not I should I should change careers (yes) or wait for a pay raise in my old job (no), whether or not I should change the engine belts in my car (no) or wait until September to do it (yes), whether or not I should ask my old girlfriend to marry me (no), whether or not I should ask the divorced lady who lives on my street to marry me (yes), if we should elope and get married in Las Vegas (yes), whether or not I should liquidate my 401(k) (yes) and invest in commodities options (accuracy = about 91%), whether or not I should refinance my house and accept fairly high refinancing fees (yes), and which religion is the correct faith (Catholicism scored the highest).
I'm looking at some really interestin numerological prophesies right now; for example, the Arizona Diamondbacks will win the pennant but lose in the World Series next October; unfortunately my mother and father are not going to leave me anything in their will when they pass on (they are going to live at least another ten years each anyway), and I am going to be reacquanited with a long lost friend in the next three weeks.
This is really great! Being able to predict the future using your random number generator has really helped me and my family make our most important decisions in life.
—David Hilton
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Anonymization (3) Arts and Crafts (3) Auditing (4) COVID-19 (1) Customer Surveys (3) Decision-Making (9) Democracy and Justice (6) Divination and Spirituality (2) Drug Screening (3) Education and Learning (23) Fairness and Equality (10) Family and Children (3) Finance and Markets (1) Games and Puzzles (9) Games of Chance (10) Hardware Testing (2) Health and Medical (1) Home Decoration (2) Love and Relationships (1) Music and Sound (12) Performance Arts (2) Raffles and Lotteries (25) Research (22) Scheduling and Pairing (3) Security (12) Simulation (1) Sleep and Relaxation (2) Software Development (5) Visual Arts (4) Writers' Tools (4) All Testimonials (165)
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Data Generation (61) Selection/Sampling (70) Simulation (8) Shuffling (21) Assignment (10)
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R Audio Noise Generator (2) R Bitmap Generator (1) R Byte Generator (2) R Calendar Date Generator (2) R Clock Time Generator (2) R Dice Roller (1) R Pregenerated File Archive (2) R Integer Set Generator (1) R Integer Generator (133) R List Randomizer (5) R Lottery Quick Pick (1) R Mobile App (1) R Password Generator (1) R Playing Card Shuffler (1) R Sequence Randomizer (13) R String Generator (2) R Third-Party Draw Service (1)