Randomly chosen testimonials:
To make better progress with learning spoken numbers in French—the goal is to get instant recognition plus fluidity in speech—I used Random.org to create a nice list of numbers which is long enough for me to use over and over again without fear of memory effects. I then imported them into a Google sheet, added a column of periods to help pause when spoken, then had an Android all read them out. The app, I realised later had a record function, so now I have an 6MB Ogg file of 2,000 random integers spoken in French with 1 second pauses between each!
At the root of it is your service. Thanks!
—Kiat Huang
As part of the classes I teach, I task my students with preparing a lot of presentations. To save time & reduce boredom, I occasionally have only a portion of the student teams give their presentations. I use your Sequence Generator to pick who presents (& in what order), after they're ready to present (to keep them focused & accountable). Great website; please keep up the good work!
—Lt Col Chuck Stribula, Project Management Professional and Professor, Defense Acquisition University
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Data Generation (61) Selection/Sampling (70) Simulation (8) Shuffling (21) Assignment (10)
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R Audio Noise Generator (2) R Bitmap Generator (1) R Byte Generator (2) R Calendar Date Generator (2) R Clock Time Generator (2) R Dice Roller (1) R Pregenerated File Archive (2) R Integer Set Generator (1) R Integer Generator (133) R List Randomizer (5) R Lottery Quick Pick (1) R Mobile App (1) R Password Generator (1) R Playing Card Shuffler (1) R Sequence Randomizer (13) R String Generator (2) R Third-Party Draw Service (1)