Randomly chosen testimonials:
I am a high school English teacher and use Random.org in class on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. The ability to use the Sequence Generator to generate columns of random numbers is perfect for generating randomised seating plans or groups for project work. The Sequence Generator is also invaluable for creating a single list of 'turn order' for public speaking assignments or when conducting one-to-one interviews. As Random.org is able to generate the complete set of numbers instantly, this means that the students can observe the fairness of the process without it occupying valuable class time.
—James Ashton
I produce a high school quiz show in Dayton, Ohio (USA). Each year we can only choose 36 high schools, & we typically get about 70 schools who wish to play. I assign a number to each school, then use Random.org to generate the field of teams that will compete. It's a completely fair way to choose the schools.
—Tom Housley, Producer and Director, WHIO TV, USA
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Anonymization (3) Arts and Crafts (3) Auditing (4) COVID-19 (1) Customer Surveys (3) Decision-Making (9) Democracy and Justice (6) Divination and Spirituality (2) Drug Screening (3) Education and Learning (23) Fairness and Equality (10) Family and Children (3) Finance and Markets (1) Games and Puzzles (9) Games of Chance (10) Hardware Testing (2) Health and Medical (1) Home Decoration (2) Love and Relationships (1) Music and Sound (12) Performance Arts (2) Raffles and Lotteries (25) Research (22) Scheduling and Pairing (3) Security (12) Simulation (1) Sleep and Relaxation (2) Software Development (5) Visual Arts (4) Writers' Tools (4) All Testimonials (165)
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Data Generation (61) Selection/Sampling (70) Simulation (8) Shuffling (21) Assignment (10)
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R Audio Noise Generator (2) R Bitmap Generator (1) R Byte Generator (2) R Calendar Date Generator (2) R Clock Time Generator (2) R Dice Roller (1) R Pregenerated File Archive (2) R Integer Set Generator (1) R Integer Generator (133) R List Randomizer (5) R Lottery Quick Pick (1) R Mobile App (1) R Password Generator (1) R Playing Card Shuffler (1) R Sequence Randomizer (13) R String Generator (2) R Third-Party Draw Service (1)