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Randomly chosen testimonials:

Choosing Lunch Venue

Thank you for I use it for several of the reasons other people mention. My favorite use, however, is deciding where my work colleagues and I will go to lunch every Thursday. We tried voting, but we were unhappy with the results—someone would end up disappointed that their choice wasn't picked. So, now we put all of our choices into the ‘list randomizer’ and generate a list that we visit in order. It works great!

—Doug Fessler, Ellensburg, Washington, USA

Archeological Surveying in the Northern Great Basin

I am an archaeologist, looking into settlement and subsistence patterns in the Northern Great Basin of the western United States. The project involves sampling an area (a survey universe), which has been divided into three ecozones, and then further subdivided into 200×200 meter quadrats. Each quadrat is given a number according to what ecozone it falls in. The numbers are then chosen randomly (this is where you came in) and that quadrat is surveyed for archaeology. The old-fashioned method of choosing numbers was by the toss of the dice. Your website makes it extremely easy for me to draw the amount of random numbers I need in advance, which essentially makes planning field work easier. Well thanks again!

—Cheryl Foster-Curley, US Bureau of Land Management

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