
Randomly chosen testimonials:

Randomized Seating and Project Groups

I am a high school English teacher and use Random.org in class on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. The ability to use the Sequence Generator to generate columns of random numbers is perfect for generating randomised seating plans or groups for project work. The Sequence Generator is also invaluable for creating a single list of 'turn order' for public speaking assignments or when conducting one-to-one interviews. As Random.org is able to generate the complete set of numbers instantly, this means that the students can observe the fairness of the process without it occupying valuable class time.

—James Ashton

Running a Free Phone Card Contest

Just wanted to send you a thank you for the random number website. Random.org was the perfect solution for us. We use your site to randomly select monthly winners for our free AT&T prepaid phone card contest.

—Kevin Waite, President, InstaPhoneCard, USA

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