Randomly chosen testimonials:
After years of relying on your site, a random impulse has finally led me to say thank you. We've been relying on the Integer Generator for years. It helps us select the winner of our space trivia contest, a weekly feature of the ‘What Up!’ segment of Planetary Radio. PlanRad is the public radio series I produce and host for the Planetary Society, based in Pasadena, California. It is aired by about 150 stations in North America and beyond, along with XM Satellite Radio. Our podcast pulls in thousands of additional listeners.
I can't say we promote Random.org every week, but when the site is mentioned it is always in admiration. We are grateful.
Best of luck in your business and other efforts.
—Mat Kaplan
I meant to email you a long time ago, but kept putting it off until the work was published. Anyway, I used Random.org data initially for my final year project in 2003/2004. It was research on sorting algorithms in the presence of caches and branch predictors. Back then the data was available for download in 10MB blocks, and there were 16 of them. So I uses all of them, 'cat'ed together, as the data to be sorted.
I extended this into a Tech Report in 2005, and a paper in 2006, which got published in the ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (eventually, in June).
Having truly random data made me certain my results weren't due to my errors, and having so much of it made my sure it wasn't an anomaly. That was especially useful as a mere undergrad, when I wasn't really sure what I was doing.
Thanks a lot for Random.org, and for the data.
—Paul Biggar, Trinity College Dublin
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