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Randomly chosen testimonials:

Drawings for Public Safety Professionals

I am the founder and administrator of

We are a forum, support, and resource center for public safety professionals who work as telecommunicators at 9-1-1 emergency dispatch centers. We provide our services via our Yahoo group, and our web site. We recently started drawings to recognize and reward our members. In particular, we are holding our first drawing to celebrate National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week.

NPSTW is an annual event that takes place during the first full week in April. It was officially created by a proclamation signed in 1994 by former U.S. president Bill Clinton. If you are interested, you can read the proclamation at

Our members enter the drawings via email. At first, it was not clear how to fairly pick the winners, but then I became aware of Each email is assigned a sequential number as it is received. Your random sequence generator is then used to randomize the entries. The first N numbers in the sequence, typically three, determine the winners.

Thank you for your fine resource, and public service.


—Michael Wallach,

Making Indoor Tennis Teams

Just want to thank you for making this available. It is very helpful to me for making up a new combination of players for our weekly indoor tennis game.

—Ron Williams, Ottawa, Canada

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