
Testimonials tagged Sequence Randomizer:

Randomized Seating and Project Groups

I am a high school English teacher and use Random.org in class on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. The ability to use the Sequence Generator to generate columns of random numbers is perfect for generating randomised seating plans or groups for project work. The Sequence Generator is also invaluable for creating a single list of 'turn order' for public speaking assignments or when conducting one-to-one interviews. As Random.org is able to generate the complete set of numbers instantly, this means that the students can observe the fairness of the process without it occupying valuable class time.

—James Ashton

Random Ballot Ordering

I help out with a internet poetry workshop and community called Neopoet. We elect members every three months to a board which governs the site.

I discovered Random.org while stranded in an airport lounge on the eve of our first election. I was waiting for my delayed flight while I realized I'd forgotten to randomize the ballot order. I pulled out my Blackberry and started searching for a way to generate random numbers. I quickly found your Random Sequence Generator. I wrote down the candidates on a slip of paper, then the assigned sequences from your site.

I was able to update the ballot just as the election was about to begin, and just a moment before the final boarding call was announced.

—Andrew A., New York, USA

Neuroscience Experiments


I have been using the random sequence generator for about a year to create slot machine simulations for neuroscience experiments. Thanks so much, your site is great!

—Paul Campion, National Institutes of Health, USA

Student Team Presentation Selection

As part of the classes I teach, I task my students with preparing a lot of presentations. To save time & reduce boredom, I occasionally have only a portion of the student teams give their presentations. I use your Sequence Generator to pick who presents (& in what order), after they're ready to present (to keep them focused & accountable). Great website; please keep up the good work!

—Lt Col Chuck Stribula, Project Management Professional and Professor, Defense Acquisition University

Drawings for Public Safety Professionals

I am the founder and administrator of 911Lifeline.org.

We are a forum, support, and resource center for public safety professionals who work as telecommunicators at 9-1-1 emergency dispatch centers. We provide our services via our Yahoo group, and our web site. We recently started drawings to recognize and reward our members. In particular, we are holding our first drawing to celebrate National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week.

NPSTW is an annual event that takes place during the first full week in April. It was officially created by a proclamation signed in 1994 by former U.S. president Bill Clinton. If you are interested, you can read the proclamation at http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/print.php?pid=49952

Our members enter the drawings via email. At first, it was not clear how to fairly pick the winners, but then I became aware of Random.org. Each email is assigned a sequential number as it is received. Your random sequence generator is then used to randomize the entries. The first N numbers in the sequence, typically three, determine the winners.

Thank you for your fine resource, and public service.


—Michael Wallach, 911Lifeline.org

USAID Health Surveys

Hey, just wanted to say thanks for your random sequence generator. I work for a clinic run by Peru Mission in the city of Trujillo, Peru. We used your sequence generator to do a USAID health survey in one of the poorer neighborhoods in La Esperanza. It was quick and provided exactly what we needed for carrying out the random survey. Thank you once again!

—Charles Wright

Psychology Research


I'm just writing to say a big thank you for creating your lovely sequence generator. It has helped me so much in my area of psychological research, very simply by creating a sequence for me to administer experimental tasks. But without it, my job would have been a lot more difficult.

Thank you very much.

—Meredith Blampied

Generating Combinations for Electronic Locks

I am an Institutional Locksmith working for a large East Coast medical facility. While Mike Bardsley CML uses the generator for random key bittings, I use it to generate random six-digit combinations for electronic combination locks. We have many of these locks throughout our facility and need to assign each a different combination. Using your generator assures that we won't use the same combination more than once.

—Charles H. Park Jr. CIL

Ophtamology Trials

I've been using your Random.org website to help create experiments for the last year and a half (by making sure trial orders are random) and would just like to say thank you for making it available. I was working in cognitive psychology as an undergrad and am now working in ophthamology at Johns Hopkins as a research assistant. Needless to say, both fields use numerous trials in experiments and the ability to quickly get ten to twenty lists of random sequences has made it very easy to gain more control in the research I'm working on.

—Francesca Fortenbaugh, Johns Hopkins University

Archeological Sampling

I am using the random sequence generator to take a 15% sample of the archaeological potsherds I am studying. More specifically, I am studying the ceramic vessels and fragments collected, over the course of eight years, from an early Spanish colonial town in Central America. The town was occupied for only a generation, so there was minimal change through time in ceramic style. For each excavation unit and level, I analyze all potsherds that include handles, rims, painted decoration, unusual clay characteristics, and the like. These are my diagnostic sherds. The remainder do not provide enough information to make analyzing and recording each one individually worthwhile, but I don't want to neglect them entirely, as in certain contexts they make up a high percentage of what we have. So, I use your random sequence generator to help me select 15% of this non-diagnostic remainder for study. Thank you for the help.

—Jeb J. Card, Department of Anthropology, Tulane University

Locksmith's Key Generation

I'm using Random.org to generate new discreet keys for each home or business rekeys, ensuring that no two customers will ever receive the same key bitting. I'm using the randomized sequence generator. For a 6 six pin lock, I enter the first two digits and let the generator pick the rest, i.e., 14XXXX.

There is a Maximum Adjacent Cut Specification (MACS) that varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. For instance, with a Schlage brand lock the maximum useable difference between two adjacent cuts on a key is 7 depths. This means throwing out many numbers generated randomly, but they're very easy to spot on a printed page. I begin using first two pins of 00 and progress them to 99. Even considering the toss outs, that will provide me with more key bittings than I will ever need.

I've only just begun using this, as I've just discovered your site, but it seems to work really well.

—Mike Bardsley CML

Running Raffles for a Literacy Support Network

Greeting Mads, I'd like to thank you for having shared your random sequencer with the world and with me today! I am part of a statewide committee that is organizing the Secondary Literacy Summit IV, California's only conference for teachers and school principals dealing with literacy issues for middle schools and high schools. Finding your random sequencer was great today, and it will come in handy to create a raffle for our 410 participants. Visiting your website, I really enjoyed reading about your Smart Couch and wish you and your team luck in finding needed uses for this very unique concept.

—Teresa Maldonado, Secondary Literacy Support Network, WestEd, Sacramento, California, USA

Allocation of Tutoring Slots

I used your sequence generator to run a lottery for English as Second Language Services at Northwestern University (Chicago Campus). Each year we have more students applying for tutoring slots than there are spaces available, so this year we ran a lottery to determine who would receive a slot. Thanks for making this process easier!

—Julia Moore, Director of the English as a Second Language Program, Department of Linguistics, Northwestern University

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