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Testimonials tagged Shuffling:
I wanted to let you know that during this lockdown time my family has used your random card sorter to play long distance card games over Zoom. My parents (in their 80's located in Oregon) and their two daughters (Alaska and Arizona) are able to meet weekly and play a few hands of Hearts. Without your website it would not have been possible. My parents look forward to our weekly time and we will likely continue even past the virus protection time. I know there are online games that could work for the card purpose, but the ability to see each other's faces is more important than the cards. My parents are not tech savvy and would not be able to participate in anything online. So we have settled on this method of playing long distance cards.
Suggestion: If I had a wish however, I would wish that the output of the random cards were in rows of 13 (as if they were dealt to 4 people). It would make it so much easier to forward everyone's cards. :-)
Thank you!
—Jeanne Shaffer
We’ve known about Random.org for years, and need to thank you for creating an incredible set of resources. We’ve heard great reviews from math professors, and now we understand why. The ability to quickly randomize any set of choices and generate a new list has come in handy for everything from making office life more engaging, to building new sequences for unordered tasks. Thank you again for all you do.
—The team at Metapress
We've used your Random Number Generator on many occasions to perform various chance operations used for the purpose of assembling our recordings of John Cage's Number Pieces.
—Glenn Freeman, OgreOgress Productions, USA
I am using the List Randomizer to randomize lists of music chords so as to improve my skill at sight-reading music by practicing moving quickly from one chord to another on my musical instrument (upright bass) without either mind memory or ‘finger memory’ interfering by allowing me to increasingly do the exercise without actually having to read the chords. (I have found this to be a major fault with books supposedly designed to improve sight-reading.)
While I am sure that for this rather pedestrian purpose, a PRNG would serve as well as a TRNG, yours was the first List Randomizer I found after long web sessions of searching, and it's perfect for what I need. The nondeterministic feature of your TRNG—while perhaps overkill for my purpose—is definitely appealing.
—Jack Clark, Idyllwild, California, USA
Thank you for Random.org. I use it for several of the reasons other people mention. My favorite use, however, is deciding where my work colleagues and I will go to lunch every Thursday. We tried voting, but we were unhappy with the results—someone would end up disappointed that their choice wasn't picked. So, now we put all of our choices into the ‘list randomizer’ and generate a list that we visit in order. It works great!
—Doug Fessler, Ellensburg, Washington, USA
Dear Sir,
Came across your web site some time ago when I was dithering over what CDs to put in my 12-CD cassette in my car. In those days I had in excess of 500 CDs, and could never make up my mind which ones to listen to. I was tending to put just my favourites in week after week. I googled ‘Random Number,’ and your site was the result. I have now well over 700 CDs and religously put in the CDs that the number generator commands.
Thanks for the service.
—Malcolm Lashbrook
For the experiment I'm conducting for my MA thesis (linguistics) I needed to create a randomised list. The experiment contains 36 times an order of three pictures, of which the participant needs to select one as correct. The order of these three pictures had to be one of the 6 possibilities for each of the 36 items (ABC, ACB etc), and I had to make three different versions. Fortunately for me I found the list randomiser on your website Random.org. I gave each possibility a number, entered all six numbers six times and clicked randomise. Within a few seconds, I had three different versions of sequences! This saved me quite some time!
I will of course refer to the randomiser correctly in MLA style in my thesis.
Thank you for providing this free opportunity online.
—Ingrid Souillé
Interesting and useful website. Generated random order series for displaying candidate info for election to the board of a lifelong learning institute at George Mason University in Virginia (USA). Daughter Jessica is a Trinity alum—MBA. Looking forward to returning one day to Dublin. Thanks for the assistance!
—Richard and Brenda Cheadle
I help out with a internet poetry workshop and community called Neopoet. We elect members every three months to a board which governs the site.
I discovered Random.org while stranded in an airport lounge on the eve of our first election. I was waiting for my delayed flight while I realized I'd forgotten to randomize the ballot order. I pulled out my Blackberry and started searching for a way to generate random numbers. I quickly found your Random Sequence Generator. I wrote down the candidates on a slip of paper, then the assigned sequences from your site.
I was able to update the ballot just as the election was about to begin, and just a moment before the final boarding call was announced.
—Andrew A., New York, USA
I Googled onto your site to find a random number generator for my wife's PhD dissertation. She is doing a double blind type survey of medical residents. We used your tables to feed a MS Word macro that applies a random number (300 count) to each page of an 18-page survey. 300×18 is a big Word file. Then we printed the surveys as required for each school's survey requirements.
Your site is a great source and we appreciate your effort.
—Charles Lloyd
I'm just writing to say a big thank you for creating your lovely sequence generator. It has helped me so much in my area of psychological research, very simply by creating a sequence for me to administer experimental tasks. But without it, my job would have been a lot more difficult.
Thank you very much.
—Meredith Blampied
I use Random.org to generate a random order for multiple stimuli used in human psychophysical testing. It's a welcome improvement over the book of random number tables I used in my youth, long ago.
—Professor Mark Dubin, University of Colorado
I just wanted to let you know that and how I've used your delightful service. In the course of writing my thesis I needed to be able to randomly assign 15 items to five different categories and then randomly order the categories. I was going to use old fashioned D&D dice for the job but found your site and was able to do it in far less time! Thanks a lot, and you will be cited in my final document.
—Rose Campbell, Department of Medical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology, Oregon Health & Science University
Hiya! Just a quick email to pass on my use for your website. I am making an Advent Calendar and wanted all the ornaments to be in a true random order. My partner showed your website and I now have a fantastically random order in my Calendar.
—Lisa, New Zealand
We appreciate the help your technology has provided to our card shuffling process. Thanks again for the use of your work—we appreciate that!
—Ann ‘Abigail’ Aynes, Case's Ladder, USA
I've been using your Random.org website to help create experiments for the last year and a half (by making sure trial orders are random) and would just like to say thank you for making it available. I was working in cognitive psychology as an undergrad and am now working in ophthamology at Johns Hopkins as a research assistant. Needless to say, both fields use numerous trials in experiments and the ability to quickly get ten to twenty lists of random sequences has made it very easy to gain more control in the research I'm working on.
—Francesca Fortenbaugh, Johns Hopkins University
My name is Patrick Ayers, a Junior in high school in Florida.
I am doing a research project on voting theory, and I used numbers from Random.org to order candidates on the ballots as well as assign which group of voter would use which system of elections.
—Patrick Ayers
I stoppped on your web site to look for a random number to help me decide which chores to do first. That led me to your personal webpage. I admire your work and generosity very much!
—Vicky Barrio
I'm an artist in New Harmony, Indiana. I've used your site to help generate a random sequece of elements for use in a ‘quasi’ random piece of music I'm completing. It's called The Utility Project, as all of the artists are playing a utilitarian role and allowing a pair of dice to make the creative decisions. I was very happy to discover Random.org.
—Doyle R. Dean
I used your generator to distribute 15 colored tiles in random positions among 70 white tiles for my front entrance. I knew I would be looking at this entrance for years and did not want to see a self-made ‘optimal’ pattern that I would eventually hate, so this way I can blame it all on you! Kidding. I just like color to be uniquely spread out.
—Tom Pankratz
I just found your website and am using it to randomize a group of numbers that define a group of video images to be used in subjective tests to determine the amount of compression through different transmission paths and through multiple compression stages for storage and processing. Thanks very much for this unique and useful service.
—Ed Williams, Senior Engineer, Public Broadcasting Service, USA
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Data Generation (61) Selection/Sampling (70) Simulation (8) Shuffling (21) Assignment (10)
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R Audio Noise Generator (2) R Bitmap Generator (1) R Byte Generator (2) R Calendar Date Generator (2) R Clock Time Generator (2) R Dice Roller (1) R Pregenerated File Archive (2) R Integer Set Generator (1) R Integer Generator (133) R List Randomizer (5) R Lottery Quick Pick (1) R Mobile App (1) R Password Generator (1) R Playing Card Shuffler (1) R Sequence Randomizer (13) R String Generator (2) R Third-Party Draw Service (1)