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Drawing #1,131 PUBLIC | Gotta Pixel Birthday Month Drawing 1st drawing held by Liz Hutchison Completed on Wednesday, 2 December 2009 at 18:12:12 UTC 406 entrants, 35 winners |
Winners (35) Download winners: Text | CSV
1st: pinkunicorn7 2nd: puffinliz4 3rd: MomtoEVE4 4th: pinkunicorn3 5th: Susanne792 6th: ABritsWife3 7th: phardy1945_1 8th: dj_w1 9th: photogirl2 10th: scrap glass 11th: jenevang5 12th: wagsmom4 13th: Pups_r_paps5 14th: photogirl6 15th: Jac1 16th: KAPOH10 17th: Susanne791 18th: bunnyscrap6 19th: Twinsies1 20th: Mtowne8523 21st: Tishia2 22nd: ABritsWife1 23rd: snowowl551_15 24th: MaLinna1 25th: tanteva2 26th: BarbK6 27th: MommyS7 28th: Jazz2000_6 29th: Stater3 30th: BarbK3 31st: gourmetdigi2 32nd: snowowl551_13 33rd: BarbK5 34th: roxanna1 35th: ABritsWife4
Entrants (406) Download entrants: Text | CSV
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